Saturday, February 22

Day: July 21, 2022

Basic Facts About Fixed Income Mutual Funds

Basic Facts About Fixed Income Mutual Funds

If you have just started your career and begun thinking about investment plans, then you are certainly on the right track. But at the same time, you have also come to realize that it is not easy to make investments for an average Indian. After all, you have a limited salary, and most of it goes to meet your daily expenditure, or the rest is spent on paying up your loans. However, this does not mean that all your hopes of investment are lost for good. There are still some investment instruments you can consider within your limited budget and still get good returns. Fixed Income Mutual Funds Fixed income mutual funds are an investment instrument that allows you to diversify your portfolio. As you can guess by the name, these funds are useful in generating income. But what exactly a...
Is the current account mandatory for a sole proprietorship?

Is the current account mandatory for a sole proprietorship?

Primarily, there are two types of bank accounts in India, i.e., savings accounts and current accounts. While people on an individual level prefer savings accounts, current accounts are preferred by businessmen and companies for carrying out high-volume transactions. As savings accounts cater to people who want to save money and deposit their salaries for personal use, current accounts are meant for people who want to carry out business transactions daily. Hence, current accounts come with higher limits on deposits and withdrawals as compared to savings accounts. Be it sole proprietor, businessmen, associations, or trusts. If you want to have a bank account for carrying your business, then it has to be a current account! Let's take a look at how to open a sole proprietorship current b...