Saturday, January 25

Month: April 2022

How to Buy IPO Online in India?

How to Buy IPO Online in India?

To get started in the stock market, you only need to open a Demat account and a trading account. However, from there, investors have a plethora of options because the stock market's rewards are virtually limitless. IPOs are one such option that has piqued the curiosity of a wide range of market participants. What is an initial public offering (IPO)? The first time a company goes public. The term "IPO" refers to a firm "coming public." Selling common stock to the general public is one way for a private firm to raise money. An initial public offering (IPO) provides a window of opportunity for a firm to improve its governance and transparency. Furthermore, it aids in the rapid expansion of the business. IPOs require the corporation to select an underwriter and the stock exchanges on which...