Wednesday, September 18

The role of Health Insurance – from Illness to wellness

Health insurance plays a vital role in protecting your future as it helps you to save a big amount instead of spending all your savings on health emergencies. In addition to health coverage, health insurance policies nowadays focus on making individuals proactive toward leading a healthy life.

Especially after the outbreak of COVID-19, health insurance markets have grown tremendously as people are experiencing the benefits of having insurance and with insurance companies offering innovative products coupled with more benefits and features people are giving more importance to their health and wellness. So practically if you see, health insurance is not just a benefit that you can opt for when you are ill but can be used for your well-being. So now health insurance plans have a wellness program included in them that intends to support or promote your well-being through activities like stress management, illness prevention, exercise, proper diet, etc. which means that a health insurance plan with a wellness program gives you a variety of benefits with no added cost.

What are Health Insurance Wellness Programs?

Wellness programs by Health Insurance companies are simple activities and tasks which are specifically designed to improve your physical health. Usually, under such wellness programs, insurance companies such as ACKO Insurance, give attractive rewards to participants who are regular and consistent. These wellness programs commonly include activities such as gym memberships, yoga classes, sports club memberships, etc. 

Benefits under health insurance wellness programs

  • Free Medical Opinion: 

Nowadays, most health insurance companies let their policyholders consult a different specialist or doctor for a second medical opinion. These specialists are usually the ones who offer guidance concerning very specific surgeries or diseases. However, for availing the benefit of a free medical opinion, it is a must for policyholders to inform the insurance company before checking with another specialist or doctor for a second opinion.

  • Reward Points: Insurers nowadays reward the policyholders for inculcating healthy habits in their life in the form of physical exercises like running, cycling, exercising, or even following a healthy diet. The customers then can use these earned reward points at the time of renewal of the policy to avail of a discount on their premium or can also be used for discounts on pharmacy bills, outpatient consultations, etc. You can also club these reward points for participating in fitness events like yoga, marathons, and other activities that are organized.
  • Wellness Coach: Some insurers provide a trained wellness coach to their policyholders to guide them in matters of health and wellness. They help you with things like giving a healthy diet, mental health balance, proper nutrition intake, exercises, etc. which helps you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has many virtues; one of them is having health insurance which will keep you fit and reward you at the same time. So don’t look at health insurance as an expense that you can do only when you are ill but now it is easily available for you to take benefits of health insurance for your wellness. It’s an array of advantages to choosing a health insurance policy with a wellness program where you not only save your hard-earned money but are also motivated to embrace a healthy lifestyle that will help you stay happy and in good shape mentally as well as physically.