Saturday, January 25

Day: April 6, 2023

How has Poonawalla fincorp performed in the recent years?

How has Poonawalla fincorp performed in the recent years?

Poonawalla Fincorp Limited is a non-banking finance company (NBFC) that was founded in 1983. It is a subsidiary of the Cyrus Poonawalla Group and is primarily engaged in providing loans and other financial services to customers. The company's services include personal loans, business loans, home loans, and loans against property. Poonawalla Fincorp is a publicly listed company, and its shares are traded on the stock exchanges. In recent years, Poonawalla Fincorp has been one of the fastest-growing NBFCs in India. The company has reported strong financial results and has consistently outperformed its peers in terms of growth and profitability. In this article, we will take a closer look at Poonawalla Fincorp's performance in the recent years and analyze its share price movement in the st...