Saturday, January 25

Day: April 13, 2023

How flexible are Unit Linked Insurance Plans?

How flexible are Unit Linked Insurance Plans?

Unit Linked Insurance plans are a form of insurance policy that comes with dual benefits. They are both a life cover for your family’s financial protection after your untimely demise and a great investment. So, it can help you fulfill all your long-term objectives with ease and peace of mind. By making regular premium payments, you can experience a solid financial future for your family in need.  The premium that is paid in this form of insurance plan is classified into two different segments. One half is invested in your life cover, while the other is to serve your long-term goals. That is why ULIPs act as a great investment with high flexibility.  If you want to know how else this plan is famous for its flexibility, continue to read below.  1. Choose Options As Per Your Risk Appet...